Stuffed Zucchini With Green Spelt

Since living in Germany, I have discovered food products that I have never heard of before. Like green spelt. When I saw this product in the supermarket it made me curious. It looked to me like green wholegrain rice. I was instantly curious to find out more about this grain and what benefits it has. … Read more

Roasted Fennel Salad with White Beans

When making a salad, I usually wind up with the same vegetables. Lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumber. That’s why I’m not really a fan of salad. But lately, I’ve been trying to vary with vegetables and one vegetable, in particular, caught my eye. Fennel. I have never eaten fennel before and thought I’d try a salad … Read more

Ice Cream – What Is Brain Freeze?

Everyone knows how a brain freeze feels like. You’re enjoying a nice big scoop of Ice Cream or jugged a nice cold drink and all of a sudden you receive a short and intense pain behind your forehead and your temples. However, your brain is not actually freezing. It really has to do with what … Read more

Oil For High Heat Cooking And Frying

Not every vegetable oil is suitable for high heat cooking. You have to pay attention to some of the oils’ specific properties when heating it, otherwise, chemical reactions occur and can create harmful compounds. Which oil is best for high heat cooking depends on the smoke point. This indicates the temperature at which the oil … Read more

Pesticide Residues in Cooking Oil

Cooking oils extracted from several oilseed crops are an important source of human nutrition. They are rich in saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, and several other fat-soluble vitamins. Therefore, these oils are widely used for cooking and processing in the food industry. Do cooking oils contain pesticide residues? Synthetic pesticides are widely used to … Read more

A Climate Friendly Diet

I am sure you had thoughts on how you can reduce your carbon footprint. With a climate-friendly diet, consisting of seasonal vegetables you can do something for our climate.  A climate-friendly diet is not only a healthy diet but being more conscious about, what you cook you can help to save the future of our … Read more

How To Make Homemade Jam

For many years, summer and autumn were the classic canning time, to preserve the harvested fruits of the warm season for the cold winter month. Today, however, making your own jams has acquired a completely new status and is done throughout the year. But how do you make homemade jam? Every season brings out its … Read more

Red Currant Jelly

While strawberries, raspberry, blackberry, apricot, and blueberry are the most popular fruits for homemade jams, sour fruits such as lemons, sour cherries or red currants are particularly suitable for fruity fresh homemade jelly. The already high fruit acid content not only depends on the different varieties but is also influenced by the annual fluctuating weather … Read more

Mirabelle-Vanilla Jam

Recently, while strolling through the woods, I discovered a wild Mirabelle tree loaded with ripe, golden fruit. I ate as much as I could and decided to come back the next day with a container to collect more Mirabelle to cook a very tasty jam. I thought about what special note I could add to … Read more

Vegan Chocolate Zucchini Cake

The first time I tried a zucchini cake was at my grandmother’s. I remember lifting my eyebrows and being very skeptical. A cake! With vegetables! Mind you at that age a vegetable cake was the last thing I wanted to try. But I knew my grandmother was a professional in baking wonderful cakes, so I … Read more